

Thank you to all of the beautiful trees in my life…You know who you are. Perhaps you have provided me shelter from the scorching sun, blanketed me with your branches in protection from the downpours, entranced me with your dances in the wind, or simply showed me your vulnerability as you shed your leaves . Some of you are thick, tall, stately Douglas Firs while others are delicate, ornate Japanese Maples. Each of you has a purpose all the while showing me your beauty. But dear trees, know that I love every single one of you no matter how our paths crossed or despite the length of your existence in my life. I am a very blessed woman to have a forest full of beautiful trees that no one else possesses. Soon I say goodbye to yet another group of trees that I can physically visit and marvel up close. But you are never far from me in my heart and mind. You will always have a place in my enchanted grove.