
Secrets as defined by Webster’s Dictionary: something kept from the knowledge of others or shared only confidentially with a few;  something kept hidden or unexplained

I am talking about those important, huge, imposing secrets that are so magnificent that they settle themselves onto our shoulders and weigh us down.

I’ve been saying for years that secrets create and sustain sickness.  There really is no good purpose to deep, heavy, dark secrets. Secrets are the salt in the wounds of life and never allow for true healing.  Keeping secrets allows the wound to still remain open, festering, and oozing with hurt and pain. Putting secrets into the light takes their power away and allows for true transformation and healing.

I believe so strongly about the damage of secrets and yet I’ve been so hypocritical for many years hiding secrets so deep in the recesses of my soul that it has led to my further illness. Secrets have sucked the life out of me and stolen my soul. They haven’t  allowed me to be authentic, transparent, and healthy. I’m exhausted and I can’t give secrets power over me any longer.

We don’t shatter secrets for many reasons, the main reason being it is so scary to share our truths. We figuratively stand before others naked with nothing to hide behind. Revealing secrets can often times show ourselves in unflattering or unbecoming ways and maybe we’re not ready to feel shame. It’s terrifying.

Another reason we don’t share secrets  is because we worry about the repercussions…sure it may have been cathartic to release this two ton monster off of your back…but once truth is spoken, it will most likely change your future. Not only your future, but most likely someone else’s, too. And how do we go forward and deal with this revealed secret?

For anyone who has known me a long time, you know that I am a terrible keeper of “trivial” secrets…and in general I don’t like secrets or surprises…I like to know everything and can’t keep it contained! From blabbing secrets told to me by my best friends in  school to begging my sister to tell me about my Christmas gifts, I’m a lousy secret keeper.

But when it comes to some secrets, I’m the master gatekeeper and have never unlocked the gate. A couple years back I revealed for the very first time, at the age of 41, one of those secrets that had never seen the light of day. It was terrifying, upsetting, and extremely difficult. But the true, continued healing of this secret was not completed until I shared it with another family member recently. Minutes before revealing, that secret caused panic, sobbing, nausea, physical weakness, and literally my husband holding and consoling me. I literally had to go through physical pain before I was able to talk.

I kept saying, “I can’t do this!” and yet inside I knew I had to  and now was the time.  I am still working on completing the healing  but this recent revelation was like the stitches finally being sewn into my wound.  This secret has been dispelled and is no longer causing sickness in my life. What a relief!

Now I’m not sharing this to “toot my own horn” or say “Look at me and do what I do!”  But I’m writing this specific blog to help those of you out there who have a secret that is causing and sustaining sickness in your life. Take an honest look at yourself. You may not be ready to dethrone that secret and that’s perfectly okay. Your journey is your own and no two are the same. Just ask yourself, “What needs to be revealed for me to live my best life?”


“Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me” (Psalm 30:2).

Much of our hidden pain is due to incomplete spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. The Lord we serve is the greatest Doctor and He can heal us in ways we could’ve never imagined. We must pray and seek His healing touch for our hidden hurts. Healing is possible because God heals in His perfect way and timing.
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